The celestial spheres prostrate to G-d

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B. The celestial spheres prostrate to G-d:

Torah or p. 85a-86b

It is written in Scripture that “Tzeva Hashamayim Lecha Mishtachavim/All the Legions of the heavens bow to You.” How is this expressed? How does the sun, moon, and stars bow to G-d? Through sunset. The sun sets in the west and our sages state that the sun setting in the West is an expression of it prostrating itself to G-d whose presence is found in the West. The same applies to all of the celestial beings. This itself is a result of their great comprehension of G-dliness which leads them to become nullified to G-d. [It is explained in Jewish thought[1] that the celestial spheres, which includes the sun, moon, and stars, all have souls which are even higher than the souls of man and comprehend G-dliness on a much higher level than they, close to the level of comprehension of angels.] Contemplating this matter should lead one to a great love and passion for G-d.

[1] See the fascinating words of Rambam Yesodei Hatorah 3:9 “All of the stars and spheres have intellectual souls that understand and comprehend, and they are alive and stand and recognize the one who said and created the world. Each one in accordance to his greatness and level praises God just like the angels. Now, just as they recognize God’s ability recognize themselves and also recognize the angels that are above them. However, the intellectual souls of the stars and spheres of a lesser quality than that of the angels, but higher than the intellect of humans”; See also “Or Hashem” of Rav Chisdaiy Karshekash [a major Jewish philosopher from Spain in the 14th century] who discusses this matter.

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