The 39 Melachos

The 39 Melachos:

Associated with food

  1. Charisha/Plowing
  • Chofer/Digging
  1. Zeria/Planting
  • Grafting
  1. Ketzira/harvest
  • Picking off any food from its source of the ground
  1. Imur/Gathering of stalks
  2. Dush/Threshing
  • Mifareik
  1. Zriyah/Winnowing
  2. Borer/Separating
  • Curdling milk
  1. Techina/Grinding
  • Cutting foods small
  1. Harkada/Sifting
  2. Lisha/Kneading
  3. Afiyah/baking

Associated with clothes

  1. Geziza/shearing
  2. Libun/Whitening
  3. Niputz/Carding
  4. Tzevia/dyeing
  5. Teviyah/Weaving
  6. Asiyas Hanirin/Preparing the weaving board with horizontal and/or vertical threads
  7. Nesachas Hamaseicha/Stretching the vertical threads on the weaving board
  8. Ariga/Weaving
  9. Betzia.Removing the horizontal or vertical threads from the weaving board
  10. Keshira/Tying
  11. Hatara/Untying
  12. Tefirah/Sewing
  13. Keriah/Tearing

Associated with a home

  1. Binyan/Building
  • Making a block of cheese
  1. Setira/Destroying
  2. Makeh Bepatish/Fixing

Associated with animals

  1. Tzeida/Trapping
  2. Shechita/Killing
  3. Hafshata/Removing skin from animal
  4. Ibud/Tanning
  5. Mimacheik/Smoothening skin
  6. Mechateich/Cutting the skin
  7. Koseiv/Writing
  8. Mocheik/Erasing
  9. Sirtut/Indentations


  1. Havara/Fire
  2. Kibuiy/Extinguishing a fire
  3. Hotzah/Carrying

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