Teenage Girls sleeping on same bed

Teenage Girls sleeping on same bed


Is it permitted for two girls to sleep on the same bed? We are having a Shabbaton for high school girls and do not have enough beds in our location for every girl to sleep in their own bed?



From the letter of the law it is permitted to sleep in the same bed [unlike the law regarding boys] although practically it should be avoided. Accordingly, you should bring blowup mattresses for those girls who don’t have a bed.  

Sources: Letter of law: Setimas Kol Haposkim; See Mishneh Zavim 4:1; Kesef Mishneh Mitamei Mishkav Umoshav 9:4; Practical Avoidance: See Shabbos 65a “Avuha Deshmuel would not allow his daughters to sleep together” While the worry of sin between two women is not on the level of severity as the sin of two men, nonetheless, practically, doing so can cause forbidden feelings to be aroused within a girl, and hence practically it is to be avoided not just in order to prevent sinful temporary thoughts, but also to prevent a possible lust from entering the persons heart which may take years to battle and overcome. וד”ל ואין להאריך בדבר שהצניעות יפה לו והארכנו כבר די והותר וכל מי שיש לו מוח בקדקדו ויודע מצב הדור מבין חשיבות הענין

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