Tallis during Bris for Sandak

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Tallis:[1] It is customary for the Sandek to wear a Tallis. [This was likewise the custom of the Rebbe Rayatz and Rebbe, who wore a Tallis upon being honored with Sandakaus.[2] According to Chabad custom, the Tallis is worn without a blessing if one had it in mind at the time of the wearing by Shacharis to also include the wearing of the Tallis by the Bris.[3]] On Tisha b’Av, if the Bris is taking place in the morning then a Tallis is not to be worn, although one is not to protest against one who does so.


[1] Pischei Teshuvah 265:13; Mateh Efraim 621:3; Koreis Habris 265:60; Sefer Matamim Erech Mila 59; Zocher Habris 17:16; Shevach Habris 17:7

[2] Shevach Habris ibid footnote 22

[3] See Chapter 9 Halacha 4 for the full details of the subject

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