Should one say Havdalah over beer and the like on Motzei Shabbos of the nine days if he has no children to give the wine to?

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Should one say Havdalah over beer and the like on Moztei Shabbos of the nine days if he has no children to give the wine to?

There is no need to make Havdala over beer, or tea and coffee in such a case, and one may even initially make Havadala over wine and drink it himself.[1]


[1] Implication of Rama ibid and Setimas Kol Haposkim; Ashel Avraham 551; Aruch Hashulchan 551:26 that is is custom of some; Salmas Chaim 224; Imrei Yosher Minhagei Chazon Ish p. 4; Nitei Gavriel 9 and footnote 13; See regarding Motzei Tishe Beav on Sunday: Birkeiy Yosef 556:3; Shraga Hameir 7:71; Az Nidbaru 11:48

The reason: As initially one is to recite Havdala over wine. [See Admur Admur 296:8; 272:2; 600:6; M”A 272:3; 600:1; See Elya Raba 272:4; Birkeiy Yosef 272:2]

Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one is not to say Havdala over wine but rather over beer. [Aruch Hashulchan 551:26] See regarding Motzei Tishe Beav on Sunday: Kaf Hachaim 556:9; Minchas Yitzchak 8:30; Kinyan Torah 2:111

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