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Shehechiyanu on dried fruits
- Question:
I have two questions regarding Tu Beshvat. I understand that it is customary to recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu over a new fruit on Tu Beshvat. May this blessing be recited over dried fruits, such as dried apricots, dried strawberries, dry pineapple, etc. If not, may I recite the blessing over fresh pineapple even though I have already eaten the dry pineapple?
The blessing of Shehechiyanu may not be recited over dried fruit, even if you have not eaten it for an entire year. Nonetheless, you may say the blessing of Shehechiyanu over a fresh fruit such as a fresh pineapple, even if you already ate dried pineapples that year.
The blessing of Shehechiynau is only said over fruits which are seasonal, however fruits which grow at all times of the year do not have Shehechiyanu recited over them. Likewise, all fruits which are available on the market throughout the year, as they are preserved to last throughout the year, do not receive the blessing of Shehechiynau as they are not considered new. Accordingly, it is for this reason we do not recite the blessing of Shehechiynau over vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes, being that they are stored and available on the market throughout the year. For this same reason, the Poskim unanimously conclude that the blessing of a Shehechiynau is not to be recited over dried fruits, as the dried fruits are available throughout the year. This would apply even if the fruit that was dried was from the crop of the new season, being that it is not recognizable that it is new or different or fresher than other dry fruits from previous seasons. Accordingly, the question should be raised whether the blessing of Shehechiynau may be recited even over the fresh fruit which is seasonal and not always available in the market, if the fruit is available in its dried form throughout the year. So the answer is that the blessing of Shehechiynau may be recited over the fresh seasonal fruit, being that this fruit is clearly recognizable as a fresh and new fruit in comparison to its dried version, and hence a blessing may be reciting, as even when a fruit is available throughout the year due to storage conditions, if the new seasonal fruit appears fresher and better than the old ones from the storage, then the blessing may be recited.
Sources: See Piskeiy Teshuvos 225:17; See regarding not saying the blessing of Shehechiynau over a fruit that is available throughout the year, such as vegetables: Seder Birchas Hanehnin 11:15; Luach Birchas Hanehnin 11:5; Rama 225:6; Mahariy Viyal 39; M”A 225:11,14; Shelah Shaar Haosiyos Birchas Hanehnin 11:2; See regarding not saying the blessing of Shehechiynau whenever you cannot tell the difference between the old season fruit in the new season fruit: Seder Birchas Hanehnin 11:15; Luach Birchas Hanehnin 11:5; M”A 225:11,14; Ben Ish Chaiy Rei 2:6; Birchas Habayis 24:22; Kaf Hachaim 225:46; See regarding saying the blessing of Shehechiynau over a new season fruit which appears fresher than the previous season fruits available from storage: Seder Birchas Hanehnin 11:15; Luach Birchas Hanehnin 11:5; M”A 225:11,14; Beir Moshe 5:65; Piskeiy Teshuvos 225:17; See regarding not saying the blessing of Shehechiynau over dried fruits: Birchas Habayis 24:22 footnote 18; Rivivos Efraim 7:60-1; Piskeiy Teshuvos 225:17; Chazon Ovadia Brachos p. 437; Avnei Derech 8:188 in name of many Milaktim
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