Selling a Shul or Beis Midrash for the sake of Pidyon Shvuyin:[1]
One may use the funds that were donated, or even sell the building materials, such as wood and stone, that were purchased for the sake of building a synagogue [or Beis Midrash[2]], for the sake of redeeming a captive, even though in general it is forbidden for one to sell them for the sake of any other Mitzvah. However, one should not sell an already built synagogue [or Beis Midrash[3]] for the sake of redeeming a captive [if other ways of raising funds are available[4], or no other Shuls are available to Daven in[5]]. [However, if the building is yet to be complete, then some Poskim[6] rule that it may be sold.]
[1] Michaber O.C. 153:13; Y.D. 252:1; Rambam Matanos Aniyim 8:11; Taz 153:1; M”B 153:79; Biur Halacha 152; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 252:2
[2] See Taz 252:2; Bach 252
[3] See Taz 252:2; Bach 252
[4] See Shach 252:1; M”A 153:33 in name of Shach and Taz ibid; M”B 153:80; Chayeh Adam 17:36; Aruch Hashulchan 153:2
[5] Taz 153:12; M”A 153:4
[6] Michaber O.C. 153:13; From the Rambam Matanos Aniyim 8:11 it is implied that if the Shul is still in the process of being built, then one may sell it for redeeming a captive; Taz 252:2; Taz 153:1; M”B 153:79; Biur Halacha 152; Pesakim Uteshuvos 252:2 footnote 10
Other opinions: See M”A 153:32; Aruch Hashulchan 252:5
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