- Question: [Wednesday, 10th Shevat, 5783]
Should one recite one’s children’s Tehillim? What is this a Segula for?
Yes. It is an old tradition, reiterated by the Rebbe Rayatz, for one to read daily the chapter of Tehillim which corresponds to the age of one’s sons and daughters, and that doing so is a Segula so one’s child not go off the Derech.
Explanation: The Rebbe Rayatz states that “I heard from the elderly Sages that in their days it was accustomed for each individual to say daily the chapter of Tehillim that corresponds to their age….and also they would say the Tehillim which corresponds to the age of their sons and daughters, saying that it is a Segula for their children to not go off the Derech. [i.e. Shelo Yatzu Letarbus Ra’ah.”]”
Sources: See Igros Kodesh Rayatz 1 p. 31; Shemuos Visippurim 1 p. 168
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