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I had a $1000 debt to my local Kosher grocery shop who allows me to buy on credit and was unable to pay him back and therefore was not able to buy anymore products from the store. I mentioned my problem to a few friends, and lo and behold the next day the grocery store owner tells me that the debt has been paid in full by an anonymous individual. This happened over two years ago and I am now more financially stable and would like to know if I am obligated to pay this person back.
You do not have to pay him back, even if he asks for the money back, and certainly if he does not.
Sources: Poskim who rule no need to pay back person who paid loan: Michaber and Rama C.M. 128:1; Shach 128:5; Rambam Malveh Veloveh 26:6; Kesubos 109a; Tur 128 in name of Rambam ibid; Rashi Nedarim 33b; Rif Kesubos 63b; Tosafos Kesubos 108a in name of Riva; Yerushalmi Kesubos 13:2; Nedarim 4:2; Poskim who rule must pay back person who paid loan: Yeish Cholkim, brought and negated, in Rama C.M. 128:1; Tur 128:2 in name of Rabbeinu Tam Kesubos 108a; Rosh Kesubos 13:8; Maryu 166; Darkei Moshe 128:2; Rama ibid regarding if it was owed to gentile
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