Reciting the Blessings if the Father is the Mohel

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Father is the Mohel:[1] In the event that the father is also the Mohel, then he is to recite both blessings.[2] Both blessings are to be recited prior to the circumcision.[3] However, if another individual will be doing the Peria, then although he is to recite the first blessing of Al Hamila prior to cutting off the foreskin nonetheless, the second blessing of Lehachniso is to only be said prior to the Peria as is normally done.


[1] See Michaber 265:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:12; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 4 Erech Bris Mila p. 252 footnotes 113-118

[2] The Nussach of the blessing: Some Poskim rule that when the father is the Mohel he is not to say the wording off Al Hamila, but rather is to say the wording “Lamul Es Haben” [Michaber 265:2 in name of Rambam] Practically, however, the custom is to say the regular Nussach of Al Hamila even when the father performs the circumcision. [Rama ibid]

[3] Taz 265; Beir Heiytiv 265:1; Maharil Hilchos Mila; Derech Hachaim 231:1; Chochmas Adam 149:20; Misgeres Hashulchan 163:2

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