Reading Koheles with a blessing

I was present in an Ashkenazi synagogue in Jerusalem on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos, and they read the entire book of Koheleth’s from a scroll with a blessing of Al Kerias Megillah and Shehechiyanu. I have never seen this before in my life and was wondering as to the source of it?

The Ashekenazi custom is to read Megillas Koheles on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos.[1] Now, the main ruling follows that it is to be read without a blessing[2], and so is done in the vast majority of Ashkenazi communities. However, there is a minority opinion in the Poskim[3] who rule that it may be read with a blessing from a Kosher Megillah and so is followed by a small minority of Ashkenazi communities who follow the rulings of the Gra. Hence, you probably Davened in a Minyan that follows this custom.

[1] Rama 663:2; Admur 490:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos 663:2

[2] Rama 490:9; Admur 490:17; M”A 490:9 and 663:1; Taz 490:6; Shut Rama 35; Levush 490; Bach; Mateh Moshe; Chok Yaakov 490:11; M”B 490:19; Kaf Hachaim 490:81; Piskeiy Teshuvos 490:11

[3] Gra in Maaseh Rav 175; Levush 490:5; Minhag of Yishuv Hayashan in Yerushalayim; Orchos Rabbeinnu 2:112

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