Q&A If Parent or Grandparent is possibly a Kohen or Levi

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If the father and mother are a Yisrael, but one of their mothers is a Kohenes or Leviyah, is the child obligated in Pidyon Haben?[1]



What is the law if one [father or mother] does not know if he is a Kohen or Levi or Yisrael?[2]

Some Poskim[3] rule that the firstborn son is exempt from Pidyon Haben.[4] Other Poskim[5] rule that he is obligated in Pidyon Haben.[6] Practically, he is to be redeemed without a blessing.[7]


[1] Sefer Hamakneh Kiddushin 29a; Shemen Rokeiach Bechoros 47a; Shaareiy Shamayim Y.D. 45; Pidyon Haben Kehilchaso 3 footnote 25

[2] See Otzer Pidyon Haben 5:18; Pidyon Haben Kehilchaso 4:17; Shevach Habris 1:6

[3] Tzemach Tzedek Kadmon 125; Beir Heiyitiv of Maharit 305; Pischeiy Teshuvah 305:32;

[4] The reason: As Hamotzi Michaveiro Alav Harayah, and by monetary matters we do not follow the majority status. [Poskim ibid]

[5] Yeshuos Yaakov Y.D. 305; Kuntrus Hasfeikos 6:5; Kol Aryeh 82; Bnei Tziyon Kama 103-104; Likkutei Pinchas 114

[6] The reason: As by Matanos Kehuna and Aniyim we follow majority status, and majority of people are Yisraeilim. [Poskim ibid]

[7] Halef Lecha Shlomo Y.D. 286; Levushei Mordechai Kama Y.D. 204 in name of Shaareiy Deiah

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