Placing the Mezuzah on the outer Tefach:[1]
The Mezuzah is to be placed on the doorpost, within a Tefach [8 centimeters] from where the doorpost begins on the outside.[2]
Bedieved:[3] If one did not place the Mezuzah within a Tefach from the start of the doorpost, he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligated. [However some Poskim rule that nevertheless one should replace the Mezuzah in its proper position, as explained in Q&A.]
If one did not place the Mezuzah within the Tefach closest to the outside is he to remove the Mezuzah and replace it?
Some Poskim[4] rule that one should replace the Mezuzah in its proper position. Others[5] rule this is not necessary.
Must the entire Mezuzah be within the Tefach?
Some Poskim[6] rule that the entire Mezuzah is to be placed within the first Tefach. Others[7] however rule leniently in this matter. Practically the Mezuzah is to be placed as close as possible to the entrance.[8]
[1] Michaber 285/2 and 289/2
[2] The reason: This is done in order to have the entire house guarded, as the Mezuzah guards everything from the Mezuzah and inwards. Alternatively it’s done so one can immediately greet the Mezuzah upon entering his house. [Shach 289/2; Taz 289/2; Gemarah Menachos] Some rule that this positioning of the Mezuzah has a Biblical source and is hence to be treated as a Biblical requirement. [Daas Kedoshim 285] Others however negate their opinion. [Sheivet Halevi 2/156]
[3] Rama 289/2
[4] Ben Ish Chaiy Ki Savo 9; Daas Kedoshim 285
[5] Shevet Halevi 2/156
[6] Daas Kedoshim 285
[7] Shevet Halevi 2/156
[8] Minchas Elazar
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