3. Pesukim in the home of the Yoledes

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Pesukim in the home of the Yoledes:

Learning Torah near the child:[1] Hearing words of Torah has a great impact on the soul of the child from the moment that he is born. After the mother of Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Chanania gave birth to him, she permanently placed his crib in the hall of study to him for him to only hear words of Torah, and for this reason she had a very holy child who was a great Torah scholar. Accordingly, one should study Torah near his child in order so his ears hear words of Torah.

Having children recite verses of Scripture near the newborn each night prior to the Bris:[2] It is customary for children to be invited to the home of the newborn prior to the Bris Milah to recite various verses of Scripture.[3] This is customarily done each night, and especially on the night prior to the circumcision.[4] The children are to recite [preferably near the newborn] the psalm of Shir Lamaalos, the verses of Kerias Shema[5] until the end of the first paragraph, Hamalach Hagoel, the 12 Pesukim and statements of the sages. The children are given refreshments or treats for the occasion.


[1] See and Rav Ovadia Bartenura on Avos 2:8; Yerushalmi Yevamos 1:6; Pela Yoeitz Erech Yonkei Shadayim; Shevach Habris 3:8

[2] Chosem Kodesh 9:6; Bris Avos Kuntrus Leil Shimurim 13; Zocher Habris 3:14; Shevach Habris 2:6; Chinuch book by Hartman

[3] The reason: The reading of verses of Scripture by children who have no sin, is a great and definite Segula to banish all of the evil forces from the home of the newborn. [Bris Avos ibid]

[4] See Minhagim Wormz 139; Makor Chaim Bachrach 239; Likkutei Maharich Seder Mila

[5] Minhagim Wormz 139; Makor Chaim Bachrach 239; Likkutei Maharich Seder Mila

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