Paying back the person who paid the ransom money

Paying back the redeemer:[1]

An individual who was redeemed from captivity by his friend has an obligation to pay him back if he has the financial capability of doing so.[2] He is obligated to pay back his friend immediately even before going to court, and if he has a legal claim against his friend, then after he pays he should take his friend to court to make his claim, although may not delay paying his friend until after the court case.[3] [This applies even if the captive was an orphan, that we take money from his assets to repay the redeemer, even though in general we never take money from an orphan before he reaches adulthood.[4]]


[1] Rama Y.D. 252:12; ; Hagahos Mordechai Bava Kama Remez 58; Kesubos Remez 274; Mahariy Viyal 148-149; Beis Yosef 252

[2] We do not say that this is similar to a case of one who chases a lion away from his friends proper by which one is not obligated to pay him for his services. [Rama ibid]

[3] The reason: As if prior to reimbursing him we permitted people to make claims in court against reimbursing the friend who redeemed him, then people would abstain from redeeming their friends from captivity.[Rama ibid]

[4] Shach 252:13; Mahariy Viyal 148; See Michaber C.M. 110:1

The reason: As if we delay paying back the redeemer until the orphans reach adulthood then people would abstain from redeeming orphans from captivity.[Shach ibid]

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