Parshas Terumah-Summary of the Parsha

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Parshas Terumah

Pesukim: 96 [Siman: יעיו]

Haftorah: Melachim 1 5:26-6:13

Number of Mitzvos:

There are Three Mitzvos in Parshas Terumah. Two positive commands and One negative command.


A. Positive commands:

1. Mitzvah 95/Positive 38: To build a Temple for Hashem.

2. Mitzvah 97/Positive 39: To constantly have bread placed in the Temple. [i.e. Lechem Hapanim]


B. Negative commands:

1.      Mitzvah 96/Negative 58: Not to remove the poles from the Aron.


  1. Donating to the Temple:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying: Take donations from the people of Israel, from whoever is of generous heart to give. I need the following donations:
    • Gold,
    • Silver,
    • Copper,
    • Techeiles Turquoise wool,
    • Argamon purple wool,
    • Scarlet wool,
    • Linen,
    • Goat hair,
    • Red dyed ram skins,
    • Techashim skins,
    • Shittim Acacia wood.
    • Oil for lighting
    • Spices for the anointing oil and Ketores incense.
    • Shoham stones
    • Filling stones for the Eiphod and Choshen.
  • Make for me a Temple and I will dwell within you. Make it the same exact way that I show you, it and all its vessels.
  1. The Aron:
  • Material: Make the Aron of acacia shittim wood.
  • Dimensions: It is to be 2.5 Amos in length and 1.5 Amos in width, and 1.5 Amos in height.
  • Its particulars: It is to be covered with pure gold both in its interior and exterior. It is to contain a gold crown surrounding it. It is to contain four welded gold rings, two on each side, and have two poles made of acacia shittim wood, and coated with gold, inserted into it for it to be carried with.
  • The poles may never be removed from the rings.
  • What it contains: The Tablets of the law that I [i.e. Hashem] will give you are to be inserted into the Aron.



  • Kapores (Lid) and Keruvim: You shall make a lid of pure gold for the Aron. Its dimensions are to be 2.5 Amos in length and 1.5 Amos in width. You are to make two Keruvim of gold on the opposite ends of the Kapores. The Keruvim are to be made from the gold of the Kapores. The Keruvim are to have wings spread upwards, and are to face each other, and face towards the lid. The Kapores is to be placed on top of the Aron.
  • I will speak with you from above the Kapores, from between the Keruvim.


  1. The Shulchan:
  • Material: Make the Shulchan from acacia-shittim wood.
  • Dimensions: It is to be 2 Amos in length and 1 Amos in width, and 1.5 Amos in height.
  • Its particulars: It is to be coated in gold and contain a gold crown around its rim. It should have a one Tefach frame around its entire circumference, and the frame should have a gold crown around it. It is to contain four welded gold rings, one by each corner, and have two poles made of acacia-shittim wood, and coated with gold, inserted into it for it to be carried with.
  • Its accessories: You are to make pure gold dishes, spoons, tubes and supports.
  • The Lechem Hapanim: You are to always place on the table before Hashem the Lechem Hapanim.



  1. The Menorah:
  • Material: Make the Menorah from pure gold. It is to be made from one Kikar of gold.
  • Its particulars: It is to contain a base, branches, goblets, knobs and flowers made from the original piece of gold. It is to have six branches, three from each side. Each branch is to contain three goblets, decorated with a knob and flower. The base of the Menorah is to contain four goblets decorated with knobs and flowers. Under each set of branches a button is to be formed. Everything is to be formed from the same piece of gold. It is to have seven candles, and the candles are to light towards its interior.


  1. The Mishkan Tapestries of wool and flax:
  • The Mishkan is to be made of ten tapestries.
  • Material: The tapestries are to be made of twisted flax, Techeiles Turquoise wool, Argamon Purple wool, and scarlet wool- the work of an artist.
  • Dimensions: Each tapestry is to be 28 Amos long and 4 Amos wide.
  • Its particulars: One is to attach the tapestries to each other in two groups of five. The ends of the two groups of tapestries are to contain 50 loops, corresponding to each other. You shall make 50 gold hooks to attach the two groupings together and hence have one Mishkan.
  1. The Mishkan Tapestries of goat hair:
  • Over the Mishkan [i.e. wool tapestries] you are to make 11 tent panels
  • Material: These panels are to be made of goat hair.
  • Dimensions: Each panel is to be 30 Amos long and 4 Amos wide.
  • Its particulars: One is to attach the tapestries to each other into two groups, one containing five and the second containing six. The ends of the two groups of tapestries are to contain 50 loops, corresponding to each other. You shall make 50 copper hooks to attach the two groupings together and hence have one Mishkan. The excess tapestry is to be hung half over the front of the Mishkan and half by the back of the Mishkan. The excess Ama on each side of the Mishkan will spread over the sides.
  • The covering of the Ohel: You are to make a covering for the tent panels of red dyed ram skin and a covering of Tachash skin above it.


  1. The Kerashim/beams:
  • You shall make beams for the Mishkan. Make 20 beams for the southern side and 20 beams for the northern side. The west side is to have 6 beams, plus two corner beams, for a total of 8 beams.
  • Material: The beams are to be made from acacia-shittim wood. They are to be coated with gold.
  • Dimensions: Each beam is to be 10 Amos in height and 1.5 Amos in width.
  • Its particulars: The beams are to be erected in a standing position. Each beam is to contain two projecting pieces of wood [i.e. tenons] which are perfectly aligned across each other. You are to make silver sockets for the beams, two sockets per beam, for each of its tenons. Thus, the 20 beams of the southern side are to have 40 silver sockets and the 20 beams of the northern side are to have 40 silver sockets. The 8 beams of the southern side are to have 16 silver sockets. Every beam is to contain a groove on each of its sides which will allow for rings to be placed on every pair of beams, thus attaching all the beams together. The rings are to be made of gold.
  • The poles: You are to make five poles of acacia-shittim wood for three sides of the Mishkan, five for the northern side, five for the southern side, and five for the western side, for a total of 15 poles. The poles are to be inserted into the beams and extend from one end to the next. The poles are to be coated with gold.



  1. The Paroches:
  • The material: You shall make a Paroches of Ticheiles wool, Argamon wool, scarlet wool, and twisted linen. It is to be the work of an artist.
  • The beams which hold the Paroches: The Paroches is to be placed on four pillars of acacia-shittim wood which are covered with gold. The pillars are to contain golden hooks and contain four silver sockets. The Paroches is to be hung on those hooks.
  • Its location: The Paroches and its beams are to be placed between the Kodesh and Kodesh Hakedoshim, where the Aron and its Kapores covering is kept. The Shulchan and Menorah are to be placed outside the Paroches, the Shulchan being positioned in the northern side and the Menorah on the southern side.
  1. The Masach screen in front of the Kodesh:
  • You shall make a screen for the entrance to the Ohel
  • The material: It is to be made of Ticheiles Turquoise wool, Argamon Purple wool, scarlet wool, and twisted linen. It is to be the work of an embroiderer.
  • The beams which hold the Masach: You shall make for the screen five pillars of acacia shittim wood which are covered with gold. The pillars are to contain golden hooks and contain five copper sockets.



  1. The Mizbeiach/altar:
  • Material: The altar is to be made of acacia shittim wood.
  • Dimensions: It is to be made into a square, its length being five Amos, and its width also being five Amos. It is to be three Amos high. It is to be hollow.
  • Its particulars: It is to contain horns on each of its four corners, and [the horns and the entire Mizbeiach] are to be covered with copper.
  • Its accessories: You shall make for it: Pots to remove its ashes, shovels, sprinkling basins, prongs, and fire-pans. It is all to be made of copper.
  • Its netting: A copper netting shall be made which encompasses the altar, and it is to have four copper rings placed on each of its four corners. The netting is to be placed under the band of the altar and is to reach half the height of the altar.
  • Its poles: You shall make poles of acacia shittim wood which are covered with copper. They are to be inserted into the rings and used to carry the altar.


  1. The Chatzer/courtyard:
  • You shall make a courtyard for the Mishkan. It is to be made of curtains which are held up by pillars.
  • Material of the curtains: The curtains are to be made of twisted linen.
  • Dimensions: The length of the Chatzer [i.e. the northern and southern side] is to be 100 Amos long. The width of the Chatzer is to be 50 Amos wide. Its height is to be ten Amos. The curtain is to be 100 Amos in both the northern and southern side, and 50 Amos on the western side, however, on the eastern side it is to be only 15 Amos from each end.
  • The pillars: There are to be 20 pillars and 20 sockets for each side of the Chatzer, for the northern and southern side. There are to be ten pillars and ten sockets for the western side. There are to be three pillars and sockets for each end of the eastern side, for a total of six. All the pillars are to contain silver hooks and belts. The sockets are to be made of copper.
  • The entrance to the Chatzer: The gate of the Chatzer is to contain a screen of twenty Amos. It is to be made of Ticheiles Turquoise wool, Argamon Purple wool, scarlet wool, and twisted linen. It is to be the work of an embroiderer. It is to contain four pillars and four sockets.
  • Its accessories: The vessels needed to erect the courtyard, as well as its pegs, are to be made of copper.

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