Parshas Mishpatim Parsha Bee

Parsha Bee – Q&A on Parsha

  1. What are the terms of service for a Jewish slave (Eved Ivri)?
    • A Jewish slave works for six years and is freed in the seventh year. If he came alone, he leaves alone; if he came with a wife, he leaves with a wife. If given a wife by his master, she and the children remain with the master.
  1. What happens if a Jewish slave does not want to leave?
    • If the slave enjoys working for his master and does not want to go free, the master takes him to the judges, makes a hole through his ear using a peg, and he works for him forever.
  1. What are the conditions of release for a Jewish maidservant (Ama Ivriya)?
    • She cannot be sold. The master is encouraged to marry her or have his son marry her, providing her with food, clothing, and conjugal rights. If not, she goes free.
  1. What is the punishment for murder?
    • One who murders is put to death. If it was unintentional, he flees to an area of refuge.
  1. What is the punishment for hitting one’s parents?
    • One who hits his parents is put to death.
  1. What is the punishment for kidnapping?
    • One who kidnaps and sells a person is put to death.
  1. What is the punishment for cursing one’s parents?
    • One who curses his parents is put to death.
  1. What must one do if they injure another person?
    • They must pay restitution for damages caused.
  1. What happens if one kills their slave?
    • One who kills their slave will be avenged.
  1. What is the penalty for killing a fetus?
    • One who kills a fetus is penalized.
  1. What is the law of ‘an eye for an eye’?
    • If there is a fatality, one gives a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, etc.
  1. What happens if one injures the eyes or teeth of a slave?
    • They must set the slave free.
  1. What is the consequence if one’s ox kills a person?
    • The ox is stoned, and its meat is not eaten. If the owner knew of the ox’s nature, the owner also dies. If the ox kills a slave, the owner pays 30 Shekalim, and the ox is stoned.
  1. What must one do if they dig a pit and an animal falls in?
    • They must pay for the damages if the animal dies.
  1. What is the restitution for stealing an ox or sheep?
    • One must pay five times the amount for an ox and four times for a sheep.
  1. What can one do if they catch a burglar in their home?
    • They may kill the burglar.
  1. What happens to a robber who cannot pay restitution?
    • The robber is sold as a slave.
  1. What must one do if their animal causes property damage?
    • They must pay for the damages.
  1. What is the law regarding fire damage?
    • If one’s fire spreads and causes damage, they must pay for it.
  1. What must a caretaker do if an item is lost or stolen?
    • They must take an oath that they did not take the item. If they were guarding for payment, they must pay for it unless it was beyond their control.
  1. What must a borrower do if a borrowed item is damaged?
    • They must pay for it unless the owner was with them.
  1. What is the punishment for statutory rape?
    • The perpetrator must marry the victim or pay her father.
  1. What is the punishment for witchcraft?
    • Witches are not allowed to live.
  1. What is the punishment for bestiality?
    • One who lies with an animal is put to death.
  1. What is the punishment for idolatry?
    • One who slaughters to other gods is destroyed.
  1. What is the law regarding verbal abuse against converts, widows, and orphans?
    • Do not oppress them, or Hashem will hear their cry and take His wrath out on you.
  1. What is the law regarding loans to Jews?
    • Do not collect interest or pressure them to pay. Return collateral clothing by sundown.
  1. What is the law regarding cursing a judge?
    • Do not curse a judge or a leader among your people.
  1. What is the law regarding the firstborn animal?
    • Give Hashem your firstborn animal on the 8th day.
  1. What is the law regarding treifa meat?
  • Do not eat treifa meat; throw it to the dogs.

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