חוותThis article is an excerpt from our Sefer
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Chapter 1: The Mitzvos
Number of Mitzvos:
There are a total of Seventy Four Mitzvos in Parshas Ki Seitzei; Twenty Seven positive commands and Fourty seven negative commands. The following are the commands in the order listed by the Sefer Hachinuch.
A. Positive:
- Mitzvah 532/Positive 217: To act appropriately with the Yefas Toar.
- Mitzvah 533/Positive 218: To hang those who are liable for death by court.
- Mitzvah 534/Positive 219: To burry those hung.
- Mitzvah 535/Positive 220: To return lost objects.
- Mitzvah 536/Positive 221: To help load one’s friends donkey.
- Mitzvah 537/Positive 222: Shiluach Hakein.
- Mitzvah 538/Positive 223: To make a fence around a roof and remove any danger from others.
- Mitzvah 539/Positive 224: To be Mikadesh a woman prior to marriage.
- Mitzvah 540/Positive 225: To remain married to a wife whom one was Motzi Shem Ra.
- Mitzvah 541/Positive 226: To stone one had relations with an engaged Naarah.
- Mitzvah 542/Positive 227: A rapist of a Naara Besula must marry her.
- Mitzvah 543/Positive 228: To designate an area for doing one’s needs at a time of battle.
- Mitzvah 544/Positive 229: For every soldier to carry a peg with which he can dig with when he makes his needs.
- Mitzvah 545/Positive 230: To ask for interest from Gentiles when giving them a loan.
- Mitzvah 546/Positive 231: To fulfill our vows.
- Mitzvah 547/Positive 232: To allow a worker to eat the food he is working with.
- Mitzvah 548/Positive 233: To divorce one’s wife with a document.
- Mitzvah 549/Positive 234: To rejoice one’s wife for the first year and not go to war.
- Mitzvah 550/Positive 235: To return a Mashkon to the owner for when he needs.
- Mitzvah 551/Positive 236: To pay a worker on time.
- Mitzvah 552/Positive 237: To leave a bundle of Shichicha in the field for the poor.
- Mitzvah 553/Positive 238: To give Malkos for certain sins.
- Mitzvah 554/Positive 239: Yibum.
- Mitzvah 555/Positive 240: Chalitza.
- Mitzvah 556/Positive 241: Kill a Rodeif.
- Mitzvah 557/Positive 242: To remember the acts of Amaleik.
- Mitzvah 558/Positive 243: To destroy Amalek.
B. Negative:
- Mitzvah 559/Negative 316: Not to sell a Yefas Tora.
- Mitzvah 560/Negative 317: Not to make a Yefas Toar work in slavery.
- Mitzvah 561/Negative 318: Not to allow one who was hung to remain on the tree.
- Mitzvah 562/Negative 319: Not to ignore the return of a lost object.
- Mitzvah 563/Negative 320: Not to ignore helping the fallen animal of a friend.
- Mitzvah 564/Negative 321: A woman may not wear Beged Ish.
- Mitzvah 565/Negative 322: A man may not wear Beged Isha.
- Mitzvah 566/Negative 323: Not to take the birds with its chicks or eggs.
- Mitzvah 567/Negative 324: Not to ignore a public safety hazard.
- Mitzvah 568/Negative 325: Not to plant Kilayim of grains and grapes.
- Mitzvah 569/Negative 326: Not to eat Kileiy Hakerem.
- Mitzvah 570/Negative 327: Not to plow using two different animals.
- Mitzvah 571/Negative 328: Not to wear Shatnez.
- Mitzvah 572/Negative 329: Not to divorce a woman whom one was Motzi Sheim Ra.
- Mitzvah 573/Negative 330: Not punish one who was forced to sin [Oness].
- Mitzvah 574/Negative 331: Not to divorce a woman whom one raped and then married.
- Mitzvah 575/Negative 332: A Saris [impotent] may not marry a Jewess.
- Mitzvah 576/Negative 333: A Mamzer may not marry a Jewess.
- Mitzvah 577/Negative 334: An Amoni/Moavi convert may not marry a Jewess.
- Mitzvah 578/Negative 335: Not to make peace with Amon/Moav.
- Mitzvah 579/Negative 336: Not to prevent an Edomite convert from marrying a Jewess.
- Mitzvah 580/Negative 337: Not to prevent an Egyptian convert from marrying a Jewess.
- Mitzvah 581/Negative 338: An impure person may not enter into the Levite encampment.
- Mitzvah 582/Negative 339: Not to force a run-away slave to return from Eretz Yisrael to his master in the Diaspora.
- Mitzvah 583/Negative 340: Not to oppress a slave who ran away to Eretz Yisrael.
- Mitzvah 584/Negative 341: Not to have relations with a woman without Chuppah and Kiddushin.
- Mitzvah 585/Negative 342: Not to offer a Karban that was the Esnan of a Zona or in exchange of a dog.
- Mitzvah 586/Negative 343: Not to take interest from a loan to a Jew.
- Mitzvah 587/Negative 344: Not to delay a Neder/Nedava.
- Mitzvah 588/Negative 345: A worker may not take more food than allowed under law.
- Mitzvah 589/Negative 346: A worker may not eat on the job.
- Mitzvah 590/Negative 347: Not to remarry an ex who remarried.
- Mitzvah 591/Negative 348: A Chasan may not leave home the first year.
- Mitzvah 592/Negative 349: Not to take food vessels as a Mashkon.
- Mitzvah 593/Negative 350: Not to remove the signs of Tzaraas.
- Mitzvah 594/Negative 351: Not to forcibly take a Mashkon from a debtor.
- Mitzvah 595/Negative 352: Not to abstain from returning the Mashkon from the debtor upon him needing it.
- Mitzvah 596/Negative 353: A relative may not testify.
- Mitzvah 597/Negative 354: For a judge not to twist judgment of an orphan or convert.
- Mitzvah 598/Negative 355: Not to take a Mashkon from a widow.
- Mitzvah 599/Negative 356: Not to take the bundles of Shichicha left in the field.
- Mitzvah 600/Negative 357: Not to give more lashes than required.
- Mitzvah 601/Negative 358: Not to muzzle an animal while it works in the field.
- Mitzvah 602/Negative 359: For a Yevama not to amrry anyone else other than her Yavam.
- Mitzvah 603/Negative 360: Not to have mercy on a Rodeif.
- Mitzvah 604/Negative 361: Not to own false measurements.
- Mitzvah 605/Negative 362: Not to forget the actions of Amaleik.
Chapter 2: Outline of the Parsha
Pesukim: 110 [Siman:עלי]
- Yefas Toar:
- If one sees a beautiful woman during war he is to bring her home and shave her head and she is to grow her nails.
- She is to not wear her beautiful clothing.
- She is to sit in the home and mourn her parents for a month.
- If one does not want her she is to be sent out free.
- Son of beloved wife and son of hated wife:
- The Bechor always gets precedence and a double portion even if he is the Bechor of the hated wife.
- Ben Sorer Umorer:
- If one has a son that does not listen to them the son is to be brought by the parents to the city gates.
- The son is to be stoned.
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- Not to allow one who was hung to remain on the tree.
- Hashavas Aveida
- Helping load the donkey of a friend.
- Not to wear Beged Isha/Ish.
- Shiluach Hakein: One is granted long life for fulfilling this comamnd
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- Making a fence on the roof.
- Issur of Kilayim of grapes and grains.
- Issur of Kilayim plowing with two different animals.
- Issur of Shatnez.
- Mitzvah of Tzitzis.
- Motzi Shem Ra: He is to be fined and cannot divorce his wife
- Issur oif Eishes Ish-Both the adultery and adulteress are to be killed.
- If she was a Naarah Meurasa-she is to be stoned.
- If she was raped only he is killed.
- The law if one raped a single Naarah.
- Not to marry one’s father’s wife.
- A Saris [impotent] may not marry a Jewess.
- A Mamzer may not marry a Jewess.
- An Amoni/Moavi convert may not marry a Jewess.
- Not to make peace with Amon/Moav.
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- Not to prevent an Edomite convert from marrying a Jewess.
- Not to prevent an Egyptian convert from marrying a Jewess.
- An impure person may not enter into the Levite encampment.
- Every soldier is to carry a peg with which he can dig with when he makes his needs.
- Not to force a run-away slave to return from Eretz Yisrael to his master in the Diaspora.
- Not to oppress a slave who ran away to Eretz Yisrael.
- Not to have relations with a woman without Chuppah and Kiddushin.
- Not to offer a Karban that was the Esnan of a Zona or in exchange of a dog.
- Not to take interest from a loan to a Jew.
- To ask for interest from Gentiles when giving them a loan.
- To fulfill our vows.
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- To allow a worker to eat the food he is working with.
- A worker may not take more food than allowed under law.
- To divorce one’s wife with a document.
- Not to remarry an ex who remarried.
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- To rejoice one’s wife for the first year and not go to war.
- Not to take food vessels as a Mashkon.
- To kill a kidnapper
- Not to remove the signs of Tzaraas.
- Remember what Hashem did to Miriam when she left Mitzrayim.
- Laws of a Mashkon.
- Miscellaneous Mitzvos:
- To pay a worker on time.
- A relative may not testify.
- For a judge not to twist judgment of an orphan or convert.
- Not to give more lashes than required.
- Mitzvah of Yibum
- Chalitza
- If a woman injures a man in his private area she is to have her arm cut off.
- Not to own false measurements.
- Remembering Amaleik
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