Parshas Behar Parsha Bee Q&A

  1. How many verses are in this week’s Parsha?[1]

  2. How many mitzvot are there in this week’s Parsha?[2]

  3. On which day is there a mitzvah to blow the shofar aside for Rosh Hashanah?[3]

  4. What significant laws apply during the Jubilee year?[4]

  5. What are some of the purchasing and sale laws applicable upon the arrival of the Jubilee year?[5]

  6. Is it permitted for one to free a gentile slave prior to the Jubilee year?[6]

  7. What are Sefichin and what is its relevant law?[7]

  8. Is it a Biblical prohibition to offend another Jew?[8]

  9. Is it a Biblical prohibition to cheat someone in business?[9]

  10. What special laws are associated with a Jewish slave regarding the terms of his slavery?[10]

  11. What bowing restrictions do we find in this week’s Parsha?[11]

  12. When were the laws of the Shemita year given to Moses?[12]

  13. Did the Jews keep the laws of the Shemita year during their 40 year staying the desert?[13]

  14. May one plant seeds during the Shemita year?[14]

  15. May one harvest his field during the Shemita year?[15]

  16. What is done with the produce of the Shemita year? Who gets to eat it?[16]

  17. It is forbidden for one to give Shemita year produce to animals. True or false?[17]

  18. How is the Jubilee year counted?[18]

  19. On which day of the Jubilee year is the shofar sounded?[19]

  20. In what way is the Jubilee year considered a year of freedom?[20]

  21. May one plant seeds during the Jubilee year?[21]

  22. What is considered Onah [i.e. oppression] in business?[22]

  23. What is the sale price on a piece of land that is sold during the 49 years?[23]

  24. What is considered Onah [i.e. oppression] in relationships?[24]

  25. How will the Jewish people survive if they cannot plant during the Shemita year? From where will they get food?[25]

  26. Can one sell an ancestral field that he inherited from his ancestors?[26]

  27. What happens if one sold his ancestral land? Does it ever returned to him?[27]

  28. Can one sell a home for eternity?[28]

  29. If one sold his house in a walled city, such as in the old city of Jerusalem, does he have the right to buy it back?[29]

  30. Does a sold home return back to its original owner at the Jubilee year?[30]

  31. Which special rights do the Levites have towards their sold homes?[31]

  32. If a Levite did not redeem his sold house within the first year may he still redeem it later?[32]

  33. If a Levite sold his home to another what happens to it when the Jubilee year arrives?[33]

  34. May a Levite sell his field?[34]

  35. What two mitzvot are recorded regarding giving a helping hand to a pauper?[35]

  36. Why is it prohibited to work a Jewish slave too hard?[36]

  37. May Jewish slave be sold on the slave market?[37]

  38. Are Jewish slaves to be freed in the Jubilee year?[38]

  39. What mitzvah is there upon the relatives if a Jewish person was sold as a slave to a gentile?[39]

  40. If a Jew was purchased as a slave by a Gentile, does he have any rights?[40]

  41. Which matters of construction are prohibited from making?[41]

  42. What are we commanded to guard?[42]

  43. What are we commanded to fear?[43]


[1] 57

[2] 24; 7 positive commands and 17 negative commands

[3] Yom Kippur of Yovel

[4] To sanctify the Yovel year and treat it like a year of Shemitah.

[5] For buyers to give up all land and homes to the original owners during Yovel.

[6] No

[7] Not to harvest the Sefichim during Shemitah as normally done in other years, and rather it is to be treated like Hefker.

[8] Yes.

[9] Yes.

[10] Not to make an Eved Ivri perform a belittling task. Not to sell an Eved Ivri as a regular slave is sold.

Not to give an Eved Ivri laborious activity.

[11] Not to prostrate on a stone surface even for the sake of Hashem.

[12] On Mount Sinai

[13] No

[14] No

[15] No

[16] It is to be eaten by everyone, including oneself and slaves and all inhabitants of the land, including animals.

[17] False, it is permitted to do so

[18] One is to count seven sets of seven years for a total of 49 years.

[19] Yom Kippur

[20] Leased lands are to be returned to their original owners and slaves are to be emancipated

[21] No

[22] Overcharging by the seller or underpaying by the buyer

[23] Its price is to be based on the amount of years left until the next jubilee year.

[24] Harassing or offending another with words

[25] G-d will bless the six year of the shoemaker to produce enough food for three years to come, up until the produce of the eighth year is ready for harvest in the ninth year.

[26] No, unless he becomes poor and even then he should try to redeem it.

[27] Yes during the jubilee year.

[28] Depends if it is a house in a walled city in which case it may be sold for eternity, in contrast to a home in an unwalled city.

[29] Only within the first year of sale.

[30] Depends if it is a house in a walled city in which case it does not return to the original owner, in contrast to a home in an unwalled city in which case it does

[31] The houses of Levites found within their cities retain eternal redemption rights by the Levites and they hence may be redeemed at any time.

[32] Yes

[33] It returns to the Levite, to the original owner.

[34] No

[35] 1) given charity, 2) not to lend him money with interest

[36] As the Jewish people are the slaves of G-d who took them out of Egypt.

[37] No

[38] Yes

[39] The relatives have a mitzvah to redeem him.

[40] Yes, the Gentile may not work him hard, and must free him in the jubilee year.

[41] One may not form idols for himself or build statues and pillars. One may not make stone floors in the land for the sake of prostration.

[42] Shabbos

[43] The temple

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