Our mission today and the state of the world in the future era:[1]
In today’s times, throughout our stay in exile, our job and mission is to refine the world, [including both the physical world as well as the spiritual worlds of Biyah] from the evil that is intertwined within it and overpowers the good. We must remove this evil from the good that is found within the world. However, in the future era after the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days when all of the refinement of evil will be complete and death and evil will be removed from the earth, then our world [as well as all the spiritual worlds of Biyah] will become like the actual world of Atzilus and enjoy a complete unity with G-d. Eventually, the light of the world of Akudim, which is the Penimiyus of Atik, which is higher than the world of Atzilus, will then shine in the physical world. This is the final and main purpose [of creation and is the epitome of the fulfillment of making G-d a dwelling place in this world].
[1] Torah Or p. 3C
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