One who is invited to a Bris and does not participate

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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One who is invited and does not participate:[1] Any individual who was invited to participate in the festive meal of the Bris, and does not participate in the eating is considered excommunicated in heaven. This however only applies if the participants of the meal are men of stature and fear of heaven whom it is befitting for one to mingle with. [Thus, if one knows that amongst the participants there will be women who are dressed immodestly, or that there will not be a Mechitza during the meal, then one is not required to participate. Likewise, if the atmosphere will be one that is not befitting of a G-d-fearing Jew then he is not required to participate. The above divine punishment only applies to one who does not participate in the meal itself, however, not to the ceremony of the Bris.[2]]


[1] Rama 265:12; Pischeiy Teshuvah 265:18; Derech Pikudecha Mitzvas Mila; Kitzur SHU”A 163:8; Zocher Habris 25:10-12; Otzer Habris 17:5; Article of Rav A”C Naah in Ohalei Sheim 5:31; Shevach Habris 19:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:39

[2] See Pesakim Uteshuvos ibid

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