On Rosh Hashanah one’s yearly budget is decided

On Rosh Hashanah one’s yearly budget is decided:[1] The Talmud[2] states that all of man’s food and expenses are set on Rosh Hashanah, regarding how much money he will make on behalf of his food needs and other needs of all the days of the year. From here, it can be misunderstood that a) there is no need to work for a living, or properly serve G-d during the year, being that Hashem already decreed how much money one will make and certainly the decree of G-d will not go unfulfilled, and b) that it is not possible to make more money than decreed. In truth, however, the above decree on Rosh Hashanah is only in regards to the sublime Divine light which is allocated to each person each year. However, how much of this divine light will come down into this physical world as a blessing of Parnasa is dependent on three factors: 1) Having a job and working to make an income on the level that one needs. 2) Trusting in G-d and in His divine blessing. 3) Praying to G-d and arousing his compassion to draw down the divinity into physical blessing. These three aspects will be explored next.


[1] See Likkutei Torah Parshas Ki Seitzei p. 37; Derech Mitzvosecha Mitzvas Tiglachas Metzora p. 212

[2] Beitza 16a, brought in Admur 242:3; 529:4; Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:7

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