Naming after a name in that week’s Parsha or a name relevant to that holiday

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Naming after a name in that week’s Parsha or a name relevant to that holiday:

Some are accustomed to name their child after a name that is recorded in that week’s Torah portion, or in that week’s Haftorah.[1] Likewise, some are accustomed to naming their children after the heroes of a holiday that falls in close approximation with the birth, such as a child who is being circumcised on Tisha b’Av is called Menachem while a child who is being circumcised on Purim is called Mordechai.[2]


[1] Chosem Kodesh 12; Shevach Habris 20:8; Nitei Gavriel 72:3 footnote 4

[2] Tashbeitz 3:8; Shevach Habris 20:8

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