Naming a girl-The process

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

How to name a girl:[1]

The naming of the girl takes place during a special Mi Shebeirach that is recited on behalf of the mother for her quick recovery, and within that Mi Shebeirach we mention the name of the daughter. Some are particular that the naming take place specifically in the presence of the father with him verbalizing the name by the Mi Shebeirach.[2]

The Nussach: A separate Nussach of Mi Shebeirach is recited for the birth of a son versus the birth of a daughter. The exact change of wording can be found in the Siddur. The Chabad custom is to conclude also by a daughter with the words, “Yigadluha Letorah Ulechuppah, Ulimaasim Tovim” in the Mi Shebeirach.[3]

Name of mother versus father: One is to state the name of the mother of the Yoledes upon reciting the Mi Shebeirach for a Yoledes [i.e. Shayna Bas Rivka]. However, when saying the name of the daughter, one states her name and the name of the father [who received the Aliyah].

Getting an Aliyah:[4] The father is to get an Aliyah on the day of the naming of his daughter. Some Poskim[5] learn that he is considered a Chiyuv. Other Poskim[6], however, learn that he is not considered a Chiyuv, although the custom is to give him an Aliyah. In the event that the father could not be given an Aliyah, such as if there were higher level Chiyuvim present who preceded him, then he is to at the very least be given Hagbah or Gelila. Nonetheless, even if he was not given any honorary task involving the Torah, the naming may still take place with the customary Mi Shebeirach.[7]


[1] See Derisha Y.D. 360:2; Mishmeres Shalom Kudinav 20:2; Nitei Gavriel 70:6-7 footnote 13 in length

[2] See Yad Aaron E.H. 129; Nitei Gavriel 70:9 footnote 15

[3] Sefer Haminhagim p. 15; Igros Kodesh 5:149; 186 in name of Rebbe Rashab; 12:341 based on Brachos 17a; Shevach Habris 21:1

[4] See Shevach Habris 21:1 footnote 2; Nitei Gavriel 9:6 footnote 13

[5] M”A 282 in end that the father of a newborn daughter comes before the father of a newborn son; Daas Torah on M”A ibid

[6] Machatzis Hashekel 282 on M”A ibid; Tosefes Chaim on Chayeh Adam 31:22; Minchas Yitzchak 4:107; Piskeiy Teshuvos 136:10;

[7] Minchas Yitzchak 4:107; Shevach Habris 21:2; See Nitei Gavriel 70:14

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