May two people eat fish and meat on the same table, one fish and the other meat?

May two people eat fish and meat on the same table, one fish and the other meat?[1]

Some Poskim[2] question whether a Heker, or separate placemat, is necessary when two people are eating on the table, one meat and the other fish, and lean towards being lenient that a Heker is not necessary. Other Poskim[3] rule that a Heker is necessary. Practically, one is initially to be stringent to place a Heker on the table, being that there’s nothing to lose by doing so.[4] This especially applies when eating alone with fish and meat on the same table, as explained next.[5]

[1] See Kaf Hachaim 116:35; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 1:3 footnote 3

[2] Sheim Chadash on Sefer Hayireim Amud Machalos 149 p. 48, brought in Pesach Hadvir 173:1; Yabia Omer 1 Y.D. 9; Shevet Halevi 6:111 that so is the custom

[3] Kol Yehuda 88, brought in Darkei Teshuvah 116:13

[4] Kaf Hachaim 116:35

[5] Kaf Hachaim O.C. 173:6

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