May some Chanukah candles be of wax and others of oil, and must they all be the same oil?


Must all the candles be made of the same oil/wax?[1]

All the candles lit on the Menorah are to be made of the same oil/wax. Thus, one should not have some of the candles contain oil, and others contain wax candles. Likewise, one is to try to have all the candles be of the same oil.[2] However, if necessary, one may have one candle be of olive oil, and others contain other oils.[3]

Two Menorah’s: The above law of maintaining the same oil/wax for the candles only applies to a person’s individual lighting on his Menorah. However, the members of a household, who are each lighting their own Menorah, can each choose to use a different oil/wax.


[1] M”B 673:2 in name of Yeshuvos Yaakov

[2] Implication of M”B ibid; See Shaar Hatziyon 673:1

[3] Shvus Yaakov 2:31; Shaar Hatziyon ibid concludes that perhaps even the Yeshuos Yaakov would agree in this case; Ashel Avraham Butchach 673; Piskeiy Teshuvos 673 footnote35;

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