May one taste the food if Erev Shabbos is a fast day?[1]
It is forbidden for Ashkenazim to taste food on a fast day for the sake of benefiting from it, even if he plans to spit it out afterwards.[2] However, it is permitted for Sephardim to taste less than a Revius food on a fast day without a blessing if he plans to spit it out afterwards.[3] [Likewise, even for Ashkenazim, it is permitted on Erev Shabbos to taste less than a Revius of the food and then spit it out afterwards in order to tell if it needs spices, without any intent to benefit from the food.[4]]
[1] See Halacha Berura 250:11 Birur Halacha 14
[2] Rama 567:1; Admur 612:7; Tosafus; Hagahos Maimanis; Terumas Hadeshen 158; Levush 567; Kaf Hachaim 567:10
[3] Michaber 567:1
[4] Chayeh Adam 132:19; M”B 567:6; Kaf Hachaim 567:10; Nitei Gavriel 61:4
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