May one perform the traditional Hakafos of a Hachnasas Sefer Torah outside the Shul?
One may do so if necessary due to reasons of lack of space in the shul for all the attendees, or any reason that would cause the joy to be diminished if it were to take place in the shul. Nonetheless, one should in addition perform Hakafos in the Shul itself around the Bima, even if this will only be done in private.
Explanation: The concept of performing 8 Hakafos by a Hachnasas Sefer Torah is a tradition of some sects of Jewry including Chabad. This tradition is delineated in a letter of the Rebbe Rayatz, although was not always followed. Now, regarding the question of doing it outside of the shul, seemingly the should follow the same law as Simchas Torah, in which we permit dancing with the Torah scrolls outside the shul especially due to lack of space. Nonetheless, being that we do not know the reason behind the tradition of the Hakafos, and it is possible that doing so inside of the shul around the Bima is a necessary aspect of this tradition and that which it is trying to accomplish, therefore, my suggestion is to do so again even in private inside shul.
Sources: See letter of Rebbe Rayatz printed in Koveitz Michtavim, Koveitz Gimel p. 7 regarding the custom of Hakafos; Nitei Gavriel Hachnasas Sefer Torah 22:2 footnote 2; See regarding Simchas Torah that one may take the Sifrei Torah outside the Shul, to the street, to dance with: Yabia Omer 7:56; Piskeiy Teshuvos 135:28; However, see Chemdas Tzevi 1:12, Moadim Uzmanim 6:79 and Piskeiy Teshuvos 669 footnote 35 that it should not be removed onto the streets
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