May one mop his floors during the nine days?

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May one mop his floors during the nine days?[1]

Some[2] write that one is to refrain from mopping the floors during the nine days. One may however wash the floors in an irregular fashion, such as by using less water or not using detergent, and the like. Dirty areas of the floor may be washed as normal.[3] One may mop the floors regularly in honor of Shabbos.[4]


[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:15

[2] Salmas Chaim 4:4-24; Orchos Rabbeinu 2:133 in name of Chazon Ish; This matter is a mere stringency due to the prohibition of laundering. [Moadim Uzmanim 8:338]

[3] Hisorerus Teshuvah 3:30; Yabia Omer 3:31

[4] Beis Avi 2:132

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