May one buy clothing if he is leaving the country during the nine days, and such clothing are not available in his destination for the same price?
Seemingly, this should follow the same law as above regarding clothing that are on sale.[1] Thus, if the clothing or price will not be available in his destination, it is permitted to buy the clothing even during the nine days. [However, one should not wear the clothing.] Some Poskim[2], however, limit this allowance to buy clothing to a case that doing so will save one a large sum of money. Other Poskim[3] rule that ideally there is no room to be lenient in this matter, and one should especially be stringent in the week of Tisha b’Av, or if one does not really need the clothing and simply wants to buy because of the sale.
[1] So rule regarding Chol Hamoed: SSH”K 67:30 in name of Igros Moshe; Piskeiy Teshuvos 539:3; See Kinyan Torah 1:109; Vayeishev Moshe 1:15; Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:30; See M”B 551:11 in name of P”M 551 A”A 2
[2] Kinyan Torah 1:109; Vayeishev Moshe 1:15
[3] Michzeh Eliyahu 2:25
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