May one allow a person to bring his dog into a Shul?

May one allow a person to bring his dog into a Shul?

It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to whether there is an intrinsic prohibition against entering a dog into a shul, with the Rebbe taking a lenient approach in the event that the person cannot go to shul otherwise, such as he needs a service dog, or a guide dog for blindness. However, certainly one is not to bring his pet dog into the Shul without the above reasons of necessity due to the above debate and due to the fact it may be a disturbance to the public. Likewise, even by a service dog, the shul management is to consider the effect that having the service dog present will have on the other congregants and mitigate a solution that will make everyone happy.


See: Poskim who prohibit: Torah Shleima 15:147; Chelkas Yaakov 1:34; Yalkut Yosef 151:25; Shema Shlomo 4:3; Mikveh Mayim 5:19; Mishneh Yosef 9:53; See Michaber 153:21; Sifri Ki Seitzei 281; Keli Yakar Ki Seitzei 23:19; Chinuch Mitzvah 571 Poskim who permit: Rebbe in Igros Kodesh 18:422 and 455, printed in Shulchan Menachem 1:113; Igros Moshe 1:45; Daas Noteh Teshuvah 68; See; Ran and Ramban on Megillah 28a in name of Yerushalmi Megillah 3:3

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