May a Kohen who is not fasting on a fast day receive an Aliyah?

Kohen who is not fasting on fast day:[1] In the event that a Kohen is not fasting on a fast day, then he may not be called for the Aliyah and rather a Yisrael is to be called up in this place. Nevertheless, [if he is the only Kohen in Shul[2]] it is proper for the Kohen to leave the shul prior to the Kohen Aliyah.[3] [However, even if he did not leave the Shul, the Chazan may say Yisrael Bimekom Kohen.[4]]

[1] Rama 135:5; Maharik Shoresh 9

[2] M”B 135:18; If he is not the only Kohen in shul, then he can simply tell the Gabaiy not to call him up and then remain in shul [ibid]

[3] The reason: As people may mistakenly believe that he is a blemished Kohen, and therefore was not called up. Accordingly, in order to negate this false slander, he should leave the shul beforehand. [M”B 135:18]

[4] M”B 66:26; 135:18

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