May a fence be built around one’s roof on Chol Hamoed?
It is permitted for one to build a fence around his roof on Chol Hamoed in an unprofessional manner [i.e. Maaseh Hedyot].[1] [Some Poskim[2] rule that only if the roof is not Halachically obligated to be fenced, such as if it is not commonly used, and one simply desires to do so for extra protection, than it is to be built in an unprofessional manner. However, if the roof is obligated according to Torah law in having a fence put around it, then that the fence may be built even in a professional manner on Chol Hamoed. Practically, all fences are to be built in an unprofessional manner during Chol Hamoed, even if the roof is obligated to be fenced.[3]]
[1] Michaber O.C. 540:1
[2] Biur Halacha 540:1 based on Ritva.
[3] Conclusion of Biur Halacha ibid based on Setimas Haposkim; See Imreiy Yaakov Likkutim 10:5
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