Love for G-d comes from G-d and is implanted in one’s heart

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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F. Love for G-d comes from G-d and is implanted in one’s heart: Torah or p. 85a-86b

The arousal of love and fear that a Jew may feel in his heart does not come as a result of his own efforts but rather comes from above from G-d. There is a special spiritual level known as Sechvi, rooster, who is in charge of arousing the heart of a Jew in love and fear. The job of the rooster is to crow and let people know the start of day. Spiritually, this means that the job of the spiritual rooster up above in heaven is to recognize and differentiate between night and day, between severities and kindness. To do so, it must contain the capability of Bina, understanding. This then draws down the understanding of G-d, and the light of love that is experienced in the heart of the Jew below. This, however, does not come on its own and automatically, but must be preceded by subjugating the body and bringing it to a state of humility and bitterness.

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