Kitniyos-Owning, Benefit, selling, Taaruvos, Pesach pots

The law regarding owning and benefiting [i.e. use as lighting oil] from Kitniyos:[1]

Benefit: Even [the Ashkenazim] were only stringent to prohibit the eating of Kitniyos, however, it is permitted to benefit from it on Pesach [i.e. sell].[2] [Thus, an Ashkenazi store owner may sell Kitniyus products on Pesach, if they are Kosher for Pesach.]

Using Kitniyus oil for lighting: Likewise, it is permitted to use Kitniyos oils for lighting candles.[3]  These candles may even be lit on the eating table.[4]

Owning: Likewise, one may even leave Kitniyos in one’s home over Pesach.[5] This applies even if the Kitniyus is mixed/cooked with water.[6] [Thus, one may store non-Chametz grains, such as rice, corn, buckwheat and the like, in his regular closets even if it is not closed off or sold for Pesach. Furthermore, one may also store Techina or Chumus that is Kosher for Pesach for Sephardim, in one’s fridge over Pesach.]




It is permitted to own Kitniyos and benefit from it on Pesach even if it is cooked, and there is no custom to forbid doing so even according to Ashkenazi Jewry. Thus, one may light candles using Kitniyos based oils. [Likewise, one may store Techina or Chumus that is Kosher for Pesach for Sephardim, in one’s fridge over Pesach. One may also store non-Chametz grains, such as corn, buckwheat and the like, in his regular closets even if it is not closed off or sold for Pesach.]

 May one have Kitniyos products on ones table when one eats?[7]

One may have Kitniyos products on one’s eating table, such as to have a Kitniyos based oil candle lit on ones table during the meal.[8]


Q&A on Kitniyos pots

May one cook Pesach foods in a pot that had Kitniyos cooked in it?[9]

After 24 hours have passed from cooking the Kitniyos, one may even initially cook Pesach foods in it. Within 24 hours, one may not do so, although if one accidently cooked Pesach foods in the pot the food remains is permitted.[10] If one does not know the status of the pot, he is not required to inquire, and it may be used.[11] [Despite the above allowance to use the pot after 24 hours, nonetheless, the custom is not to initially use Pesach pots for cooking Kitniyos, and rather we designate special Kitniyos Pesach pots for the cooking of Kitniyus during Pesach for the sake of those people who are permitted to eat Kitniyus during Pesach. Furthermore, even prior to the entrance of Pesach, such as after one’s kitchen has been Koshered several days before Pesach, we do not initially cook Kitniyus in Pesach pots.]

What does one do if he cooked Kitniyos on his stove and some of it spilled?

One is to clean it well prior to cooking on it Pesach foods. One does not need to wait 24 hours prior to cooking.

Kitniyos medicines:[12]

There is no need to be stringent to avoid taking medicines which contain Kitniyos.



[1] Admur 453:5; Rama 453:1; Terumos Hadeshen 113

[2] Admur ibid; M”A 453:3; Terumos Hadeshen 113; Elya Raba 453:5; Chok Yosef 453:7; Chayeh Adam 127:11; Kaf Hachaim 453:34

[3] Admur ibid; Rama ibid; Terumos Hadeshen ibid

[4] Admur ibid; See M”A 453:2; Darkei Moshe 453:2

The reason: We do not suspect that perhaps some of the Kitniyus oil will fall into one’s food, as even a little bit of oil does fall into one’s food, it becomes nullified in majority. [Admur ibid; Peri Chadash 453:1; Chok Yaakov 453:6; Implication of Rama]

[5] Admur ibid; Rama ibid; Terumos Hadeshen ibid

[6] Admur ibid; See Chok Yaakov 453:8 and Kaf Hachaim 453:35 [Seemingly this ruling of Admur ibid is coming to answer their question of what the novelty is in this ruling that Kitniyos may be owned if even the five grains of Chametz may be owned if they have not contacted water]

The reason: Seemingly, regarding the laws of Baal Yiraeh and Baal Yimatzeh we do not suspect that there may be a Chametz kernel which became mixed into the Kitniyos, as it is in any event less than a  Kezayis. Vetzaruch Iyun. See Chok Yaakov and Kaf Hachaim ibid

[7] Admur 453:5

[8] The reason: The reason for this is because we do not suspect that the oil will fall into food, as even if it does it is nullified in majority. [Admur ibid]

[9] Zera Emes 3:48; Maharlanach 121; Peri Chadash 496:24; Erech Hashulchan 453:2; Chukas Hapeseach 453:4; Kaf Hachaim 453:27

[10] Zera Emes ibid; Chukas Hapesach ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid

The reason: As there is majority of Heter versus the Kitniyos taste. [ibid]

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one is not to eat the food if it was cooked in a Ben Yomo Kitniyus pot. [Maharlanach ibid, brought in Kaf Hachaim ibid]

[11] Zera Emes ibid; Maharlanach ibid; Chukas Hapesach ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid

[12] Tzitz Eliezer 10:25; Piskeiy Teshuvos 442:5

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