Is the Mitzvah of Bitachon part of the Taryag Mitzvos?

Is the Mitzvah of Bitachon part of the Taryag Mitzvos?

Some Poskim[1] include the Mitzvah of Bitachon as one of the 613 commands.[2]


[1] Chareidim ibid; Shaareiy Teshuvah of Rabbeinu Yona 3:17; Bahag 144; Rash Ibin Gabriel Azharos 31; Ramban Shichichas Hasei Mitzvah 8; Semak 10

Other opinions: Most Moneiy Hamitzvos, including Rambam and Chinuch, do not list Bitachon as one of the commands.

[2] The scriptural source: Some learn this Mitzvah from the verse Devarim 20:1 “Ki Seitzei…Lo Sira Meihem.” [Rabbeinu Yona ibid] Others learn it from the verse Devarim 10:20 “Ubo Sidbak. ” [Meshech Chochma on Devarim ibid]

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