Is one required to wake up his friend who is sleeping in order so he say the Shema on time?

Is one required to wake up his friend who is sleeping in order so he say the Shema on time?

Yes, one must wake him up prior to the end time of shema in order so he can say it prior to the time. At the very least, he must be awoken to the point that he can recite the first verse with proper consciousness. The remaining paragraphs however, suffices to be said while he is half-asleep.

Sources: See Admur 63:6; Michaber 63:5; Rambam Kerias Shema 2:3; Rav Nachman Brachos 13b; M”A 63:8


Is one required to wake up his friend who is sleeping in order so he say the Shema prior to the time of the Magen Avraham or can he wait to wake him up until the later time of the Gra and Alter Rebbe?

There is no obligation to do so unless one knows the person is always particular to say Shema before the time of Magen Avraham, or if there is suspicion that he may also miss the later time of the Baal Hatanya.


See Teshuvos Vehanhagos 2:50; Piskeiy Teshuvos 58:3

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