Is a large ice cooler which fits ones entire body valid for mikvah for a man if no kosher mikvah is available in his area?
Above ground pools, such as an ice cooler, are invalid for immersion, even for the sake of a Baal Keri, as it is invalid to immerse in a vessel that contains drawn water. Accordingly, it is better for a Baal Keri to do 9 Kavim by taking a shower to purify himself from the state of Keri than to immerse in an ice cooler.
See Admur 606:11; 88:1 [in parentheses]; 159:23; M”A 606:9; Beis Yosef 606; Rambam Mikvaos 1:1; Raavad Brachos 6:5; Stringent opinion of Tana Kama in Braisa Brachos 22b; M”B 89:4 in name of Rav Akiva Eiger; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 88 footnote 44 for a discussion on this matter; Other Opinions: There is an opinion in the Gemara ibid that rules a vessel is valid for a Baal Keri. See Divrei Yissachar 5
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