If one has a Haeitz fruit and a Safek/dispute Haeitz/Hadama/Shehakol fruit in front of him what blessing should he say first

If one has a Haeitz fruit and a Safek/dispute Haeitz/Hadama/Shehakol fruit in front of him what blessing should he say first?[1]

  • Example: 1) One has an apple and a banana[2] in front of him and desires to eat both, which fruit is he to eat first? 2) One has an apple and sugar[3] in front of him, what blessing is he to say first?

Some Poskim[4] rule one is to first say the blessing on the Safek food [i.e. a Hadama on the banana and Shehakol on the sugar] and only then say a blessing on the Haeitz.[5] Other Poskim[6] however rule one is to recite a blessing first on the Haeitz, specifically having in mind not to exempt the Safek blessing food, and then say a blessing on the Safek [Hadama on the banana and Sheakol on the sugar].[7] Other Poskim[8] rule one is not to eat at all the two foods at the same time, and either he should eat only the Safek food or only the Haeitz.[9] Other Poskim[10] rule that during the week one is to eat the Haeitz and have in mind to include the Safek food and not repeat the blessing over it, while on Shabbos he is to follow the first opinions.[11] Practically, the worldly custom is not like any of the above opinions, but rather they first recite a blessing over the Haeitz and then over the Hadama, and they are not particular to have in mind not to exempt the Safek food with the Haeitz.[12] Nonetheless, it is proper to explicitly have in mind not to exempt the Safek food with the blessing over the fruit[13]

Summary: The worldly custom is to first recite a blessing over the Haeitz and then over the Hadama. Nonetheless, it is proper to explicitly have in mind not to exempt the Safek food with the blessing over the fruit.


If one has a Haeitz fruit and a Safek/dispute Haeitz/Hadama/Shehakol fruit in front of him and he first said the blessing of Haeitz, may he still say the blessing on the Safek?[14]


[1] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 202/33; 203/3

[2] It is a dispute amongst Poksim as to whether a banana is Haeitz or Hadama.

[3] It is a dispute amongst Poskim as to whether sugar is Haeitz or Shehakol.

[4] Elya Raba 202/20; Chesed Lealafim 202/12; Rav Poalim 2/27 regarding Shabbos; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 16 regarding Shabbos; Kaf Hachaim 202/106; Tevuos Shur 11/9; Mamar Mordechai 203/3; Keren Ledavid 59 

[5] The reason: As if he says the Haeitz first then according to one opinion the Safek is already included in the blessing and cannot have its blessing recited. [ibid]

Bedieved if first said Haeitz: In the event that one first said Haeitz, some of the above Poskim rule that one may still say a blessing on the Safek, hence relying on the ruling of the Peri Megadim brought later on. [Rav Poalim 2/27; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 16; Kaf Hachaim 202/106]

[6] Peri Megadim Pesicha Hilchos Brachos p. 12a [brought in Rav Poalim ibid, did not find in P”M]

[7] The reason: The advantage of this method is that one says the blessing in the right order, first Haeitz and then Hadama. The disadvantage in this method however is that it enters into a question of Bracha Sheiyno Tzericha. However the previous method offered does not pose an issue of Bracha Sheiyno Tzericha. [Rav Poalim ibid]

[8] Mamar Mordechai 203/3 that every Baal Nefesh should do so

[9] The reason: As whatever one chooses to do will be problematic; if he chooses to first eat the Haeitz then according to one opinion the Safek is already included in the blessing and cannot have its blessing recited, and if one has in mind to not include it by the Haeitz, or one first says the blessing on the Safek, this enters into the problem of Bracha Sheiyno Tzricha. Thus, a Baal Nefesh should not eat these foods in the same setting. [ibid]

[10] Rav Poalim 2/27 regarding the week; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 16 regarding the week

[11] The reason: As preceding the Safek enters one into a problem of Bracha Sheeiyno Tzericha, however on Shabbos one may do so in order to say Meiah Brachos. [Rav Poalim and ben Ish Chaiy ibid; See that he elarns this from Admur 249/11]

[12] Betzeil Hachochmah 2/5; Piskeiy Teshuvos 202/33 footnote 190; 203/3

The reason: As no person wants to enter himself into a Safek Bracha, and hence even Bestam we assume that he did not intend to include the Safek in the blessing.  [Peri Megadim Pesicha Hilchos Brachos p. 12a brought in Rav Poalim ibid, did not find in P”M, and so concludes regarding bedieved: Rav Poalim ibid; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 16; Kaf Hachaim 202/106] Alternatively, no one even thinks that the Safek food is Haeitz, and hence its considered as if they explicitly had in mind not to include, even if in truth they did not have this in mind. [Betzeil Hachochmah ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid]

[13] Piskeiy Teshuvos 203/3 footnote 27

[14] Rav Poalim 2/27; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 16; Kaf Hachaim 202/106; Peri Megadim Pesicha Hilchos Brachos p. 12a [brought in Rav Poalim ibid, did not find in P”M]

[15] The reason: As no person wants to enter himself into a Safek Bracha, and hence even Bestam we assume that he did not intend to include the Safek in the blessing.  [Peri Megadim Pesicha Hilchos Brachos p. 12a brought in Rav Poalim ibid, did not find in P”M] Alternatively, no one even thinks that the Safek food is Haeitz, and hence its considered as if they explicitly had in mind not to include, even if in truth they did not have this in mind. Betzeil Hachochmah ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid]

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