How to call up a convert to the Torah if his parents also converted

How to call up a convert to the Torah if his parents also converted


My family converted to Judaism when I was a child. When I’m called to the Torah, shall I use my father’s current Jewish name, or should I be called up as Ben Avraham. I have a similar question regarding a Mi Shebeirach for the sick, should I be called by my mother’s Jewish name or as Ben Sarah?



A convert is to be called up to the Torah as Ben Avraham even if both of his parents have converted. For Mi Shebeirach for the sick, he is to be called up as Ben Sarah, although some are accustomed to always say Ben Avraham for a Ger even by a Mi Shebeirach for the sick.                            


Sources: See Rama 139:3; Tzur Yaakov 33; Minchas Yitzchak 1:136; 2:115; 4:49; Kinyan Torah 1:48; Poseiach Es Yadecha p. 630 in name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky that one may call them Ben Avraham or Ben Sarah for Mi Shebeirach for sick

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