How often is a blessing said when smelling spices?

How often is a blessing said when smelling spices?[1]

Once a blessing has been recited over a spice, another blessing can only be said on that same spice if one had decided to no longer smell the spice. Otherwise his second smelling is still included in the blessing originally recited, and thus does not require a blessing to be said. This applies even if he left the room and then returned unless there was a great Hefsek in between.


[1] See Michaber 217:1; M”A 217:3; M”B 217:6; Shaar Hatziyon 217:12; Birchas Habayis 26:32; Ketzos Hashulchan 62 footnote 19; Peri Megadim 218 M”Z that mentions a dispute regarding one who left the room if this is considered Hesech Hadaas; Piskeiy Teshuvos 217:3

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