How could our forefathers, Avraham and Yitzchak, bore such evil sons, such as Esav and Yishmael

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How could our forefathers, Avraham and Yitzchak, bore such evil sons, such as Esav and Yishmael:[1]

Our forefathers, Avraham and Yitzchak, represented G-d’s divine attributes, although without their proper refinement. This is similar to gold after it is first excavated from the ground, when it contains much soot and dirt, and must be properly cured in order to then become pure gold. Accordingly, the severities of Yitzchak who came from Gevura of Hashem incorporated the head of Esav prior to his refinement. Likewise, the kindness of Avraham who came from the Chesed of Hashem incorporated Lot prior to his refinement.

The Lot of holiness and of impurity: Lot, at this stage, represented the level of Chochma and Bina of the Kelipos and became its source. Prior to his refinement and extraction from Avraham, he would travel together with him. This explains why afterwards we find that from Lot derive the nations of Amon and Moav from whom was born Ruth the Moabite and Na’amah the Amonite, as also Lot himself originally derived from Holiness and through the final extraction, these great Jewish prodigies were derived from him. After this refinement, Avraham finally became refined of all of the impurity of Lot.

[1] Torah Or 11b

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