Hosting a meal the night before the Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Hosting a meal:[1]

It is customary to serve a festive meal to those gathered on the night prior to the circumcision.[2] [The Mohel, Sandek, and friends and relatives are to be invited to this meal.[3] It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to whether this meal has the status of a Seudas Mitzvah.[4] Some are accustomed to sing and dance during this meal.[5] Practically, it is no longer widely customary to serve an actual meal by this gathering[6], although it is customary to serve light refreshments and Lechayim.[7]


[1] Admur 640:14 “The meal that is eaten by the Yoledes (as was the custom in previous times)”; M”A 640:13; Shach Y.D. 178; Degula Merivava on Shach ibid that this meal is the intended Seduas Yeshua Haben brought in Tosafus Bava Kama 80a; Machzor Vitri; Orchos Chaim Hilchos Mila; Klalei Hamila based on Midrash Tanchuma Tazria; Toras Shalom of Rebbe Rashab p. 78 that so was done by his Wacht Nacht that all the guests who came to Lubavitch to participate in the Bris were served a meal on the night prior to circumcision; Bris Avos Kuntrus Leil Shimurim 1 in name of Zecher David 2; Shevach Habris 12:4 footnote 9 in length

[2] The reason: As the holiness of the Mitzvah begins to shine already on the night before the Bris, and hence this is commemorated with a festive meal. [Bris Avos ibid in name of Zecher David; See Admur 493:4; Chok Yaakov 493:8]

[3] M”A ibid in name of Nachals Shiva

[4] See Admur ibid from whom it is unclear as to whether this meal is also considered a Seudas Mitzvah; M”A ibid records a dispute in this matter [Nachalas Shiva holds it is a Seudas Mitzvah while others hold its not, and hence concludes to be stringent regarding a Neder]; P”M O.C. 444 M”Z 9 concludes that it is not considered a Seudas Mitzvah

[5] Beis Lechem Yehuda 265:1 “and on the night of the circumcision it is customary to dance and rejoice”

[6] See Admur ibid in parentheses “so was customary in previous generations”; Aruch Hashulchan 640:15 “we are not aware of this meal at all”; See Os Shalom 265:30

[7] Bris Avos ibid in name of Zecher Dovid ibid; Shevach Habris ibid

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