Having children recite verses of Scripture near the newborn each night prior to the Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Having children recite verses of Scripture near the newborn each night prior to the Bris:[1]

It is customary for children to be invited to the home of the newborn prior to the Bris Milah to recite various verses of Scripture.[2] This is customarily done each night, and especially on the night prior to the circumcision.[3] The children are to recite [preferably near the newborn] the psalm of Shir Lamaalos, the verses of Kerias Shema[4] until the end of the first paragraph, Hamalach Hagoel, the 12 Pesukim and statements of the sages. The children are given refreshments or treats for the occasion.


[1] Chosem Kodesh 9:6; Bris Avos Kuntrus Leil Shimurim 13; Zocher Habris 3:14; Shevach Habris 2:6; Chinuch book by Hartman

[2] The reason: The reading of verses of Scripture by children who have no sin, is a great and definite Segula to banish all of the evil forces from the home of the newborn. [Bris Avos ibid]

[3] See Minhagim Wormz 139; Makor Chaim Bachrach 239; Likkutei Maharich Seder Mila

[4] Minhagim Wormz 139; Makor Chaim Bachrach 239; Likkutei Maharich Seder Mila

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