Having a Mechitza by The Ohel or Kever of Tzadik:

The Ohel or Kever of Tzadik:

In general, there is no requirement to establish a Mechitza by a burial site as it is not meant for public gathering, and so is the widespread custom of all generations and all cemeteries, even though there are times that men and women come to visit the same grave. Nonetheless, those graves which are visited by a large population of pilgrims throughout the year, should have a Mechitza established to separate between the men and women, and so is the custom. Accordingly, Chabad Rabbanim[1] throughout the world have issued rulings to require a Mechitza to be established by the Rebbe’s burial site, and for a separate room to be designated for women to write their Panim.

Kaddish: When reciting Kaddish after Mishnayos by a Kever, the men and women are to be on separate sides and not intermingled. However, a Mechitza is not required.


[1] Rav Moshe Bogolmisky; Rav Gavriel Tzinner; Rav Levi Bitritzky; Rav Moshe Landa; Rav Y.Y. Yeruslavsky; Rav Y.S. Ginzberg; Rav Yekusiel Farkash; Rav Nachman Sudak; Vaad Rabbanei Lubavitch;

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