Having a Mechitza by a concert

By a concert:

The entire source of a Mechitza brought from the Talmud is regarding the Simchas Beis Hashoeiva [see source #2]. Hence, a Mechitza between the men and women should be required by a concert. [However, some are lenient to have a concert without a Mechitza between the men and woman side, so long as there is no dancing of women taking place, seemingly based on those Poskim who are lenient by a wedding meal. According to all opinions, mixed seating with men and women sitting next to each other is forbidden by a concert, and at the very least, there is to be separate seating for the men and women.[1]]

[1] Response of Rebbe to the famed singer Avraham Fried, that he may not agree to a concert with mixed seating as doing so is a definite prohibition. [Related by Rabbi Groner]

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