Grandfather being a Sandek by a Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Grandfather:[1] Some are accustomed to honor their father with the position of Sandek upon the birth of their firstborn son. The husband’s father is honored to be Sandek for the firstborn son while the wife’s father is honored to be Sandek for the second son.[2] Others are accustomed to honor the husband’s grandfather to be Sandek for the firstborn son.[3] However, since one is required to proceed his own father to be Sandek, over his father’s father, he therefore must receive permission from his father to do so.[4] In the event that the father of the child was the Sandek for his firstborn son, then by their second son the father of the wife receives precedence to be Sandek over the father of the husband.[5]


[1] Shevach Habris 17:4; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:5 footnote 31

[2] Masa Chaim Falagi Mareeches Sandek 156; Chaim Bayad 75 that so is custom of IZHMIR; Bris Avos 5:13;

[3] Leket Yosher p. 52

The reason: As there is a tradition which states that one who is a Sandek to his great-grandson will not see the face of purgatory. [Leket Yosher ibid]

[4] Leket Yosher p. 52

[5] Chaim Bayad ibid

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