Going back from a proposed favor

Going back from a proposed favor:[1]

If one told his friend that he will do for him a certain favor, and he has the ability to do so, then he should not go back on his word [and if one does so, then he is considered Michsurei Emuna, and the sages are not happy with such an individual[2]]. [Thus, if one offered to give someone a ride, or let them stay as a guest in one’s house, or go shopping for them for certain item, then one may not go back on his proposal and if he does so he is considered Michsurei Emuna. All the more so, seemingly a guest who has closed with a host to eat or stay by them, it is considered Michsurei Emuna for him to cancel on them without due notice.]


[1] Admur C.M. Dinei Mechira Umatana Halacha 1 in parentheses regarding resolve in heart, and certainly this would apply even more so if it was actually expressed and agreed upon between the two parties, and doing so would be included in the category of Michsurei Emuna, and Ein Ruach Chachamim Nocha Heymena; Shaareiy Teshuvah of Rabbeinu Yona 183; Betzel Hachochmah 5:160; Encyclopedia Talmudit ibid p. 309 footnote 226

[2] Encyclopedia Talmudit ibid

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