From which level do Mitzvah’s draw down G-dliness?

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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A.    From which level do Mitzvah’s draw down G-dliness? Torah or p. 86b-88b

Every Mitzvah draws down G-dliness from the attribute of Malchus in an encompassing manner onto the soul of the person fulfilling the Mitzvah. It is not drawn down however in an internal way for him to actually consciously experience the G-dliness. Now, it is explained elsewhere that the Mitzvah’s draw down G-dliness from the level of Anochi which is much higher than the aspect of Malchus. In truth however there is no contradiction, as the aspect of Malchus is also referred to as Keser which is the level of Soveiv Kol Almin [and is synonymous with the level of Anochi].

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