- Question: [Monday, 22nd Elul 5781]
We live in an area in which there is no body of water for us to say Tashlich. What should we do? Is it better to delay saying it until after Rosh Hashanah when we can drive to the beach during the weekday, or should we still say it at home on Rosh Hashanah even though we are not near a body of water?
In such a case, you should still recite Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah, at home, and simply do near an open faucet, or a fish aquarium, if you own one. To note, that if you can walk to an area from which you can see a body of water even from a great distance, then this too is valid for Tashlich.
Explanation: In a case that a river, well, or spring is not available in one’s area, then some are accustomed to walk to an area from which they can see a river, sea or other body of water, even if it is very far. This is the custom of Tzefas, to say Tashlich from an area from where the Kineret can be seen. In Yerushalayim, some were accustomed to recite Tashlich near the opening of a water pit, even if it is currently dry of water. The reason for this is because the main intent of Tashlich is with regards to the supernal sea, and the water below is merely a hint to this matter. If this too is not available, then one may go to any body of water, even an open faucet, and so is recorded to have been a directive of the Rebbe.
Sources: See Kaf Hachaim 583:30; Nitei Gavriel 69:6; Custom of Chasam Sofer recorded in Piskeiy Teshuvos 583 footnote 47; Hiskashrus 947 that so was the directive of the Rebbe to Rav Yaakov Yehuda Hecht to do so by a faucet.
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